Putri Nur Bayti, Widayati Lestari, Mukh Nursikin


The purpose of this study is to expand the self-confidence of prisoners through strict Islamic improvement in remedial foundations, a means to find out the practices of Islamic state administration as a weakening, the impact of constitutional teachings in developing courage in surviving as well as the supporting and inhibiting factors in developing a sense of trust. themselves through Islamic constitutional training as assistance. This study uses a qualitative method. Observation, interview, and documentation methods are used in data collection techniques. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of strict Islamic promotion for detainees is through daily exercises such as congregational prayers in the request room. To produce changes or results that are in accordance with the objectives of holding Islamic religious development, the motivation and attention given to Islam is given. Meanwhile, the impact of promoting strict Islam on self-confidence in Remedial Institutions is very high, as evidenced by the persistence of being able to understand the qualities and shortcomings they have, having a high motivation to provide views, imaginative and hopeful of having choices. to think decisively and have options to overcome the problems around them by talking to each other. Supporting variables in expanding devotion to help through the advancement of Islamic congregations are the books that have been given by the actual coaches, then the presence of human resources is one of the supporting elements in developing the tahajud schooling experience. Although the things that interfere with the implementation of the strict appeal are the Corona virus situation and the meeting of the Restorative Foundations which trigger not accepting ustadz for Muslims and ministers for non-Muslims from outside, meanwhile only mentors and packers who help implement the strict appeal. training.


Confidence, Convicts, Correctional Institutions, Islamic Religious Education

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