Marriage According to Syaikhona Kholil Bangkalan in the Perspective of Islamic Educational Values
This study aims to describe and analyze the thoughts of Syaikhona Kholil Bangkalan in the chapter on marriage in the perspective of Islamic education and its implementation at the Syaikhona Kholil Islamic Boarding School, Nurul Cholil Islamic Boarding School, and the Kaukabudduri Islamic Boarding School, Bangkalan, Madura. This research also has specific objectives, namely (1) to analyze Syaikhona Bangkalan's marriage education which is important to study both in terms of literature review and in terms of implementation. (2) To assert marriage education according to Syaikhona Kholil Bangkalan from the perspective of Islamic educational values. (3) To analyze the implementation of marriage education according to Syaikhona Kholil in the Syaikhona Kholil Islamic boarding schools in Bangkalan.
The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Data is collected with a natural setting (natural setting) as a direct data source. Data collection in this study used documentation, interviews, inscriptions, observation, and triangulation techniques. The main data sources were the students, ustadz, kyai, and also caregivers at the three Syaikhona Kholil Islamic Boarding Schools, namely the Syaikhona Kholil Islamic Boarding School, Nur Cholil Islamic Boarding School and al-Kaukabuduri Islamic Boarding School, Bangkalan Madura. The analysis technique uses content analysis and qualitative data analysis using the Miles-Huberman model.
Based on the results of observations and data analysis that has been done, this study produces conclusions based on the following problem formulation. (1) According to Syaikhona Kholil, marriage is a basic need for adult humans, to keep their eyes from seeing what is not lawful and to have offspring of pious children who pray for them. (2) Marriage contains educational values that link marriage theory with existing social reality. His education supports improving the character of Pancasila students in terms of religious values. (3) The implementation of marriage education in educational institutions 'ala Syaikhona Kholil is an ongoing process that aims to improve the skills and character of students in various fields, especially in the fiqh chapter on marriage.
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